Writing the Story of 2022

As the story of 2021 comes to a close and we look ahead to writing the chapters of 2022, let us consider how the story might be framed.

You are invited to set aside some time over the next few days during this Christmas time and create space for you and God to ponder together. Looking back on what was and looking ahead to the story which awaits. The following questions are offered as a guide for your sacred time.

What are you passionate about? How is God speaking to you though this passion? How is it awakening you to God at work in your life?

Who are your companions? What are your relationships like? How are these relationships sustained and nurtured?

Who are you inviting to help you write the chapters of 2022? Why? What do they contribute?

What is it about religious life that draws you in? What parts of the charism of your community align with your journey/passions/relationships/discernment?

The vows of poverty, chastity and obedience are key parts of living life in a religious community. What is your take on these vows? How do you see them as life-giving or not? Where do they challenge you? How will they shape your living in 2022?

What is your prayer life like? How much time do you make for personal private prayer? What else does your prayer life involve? How much time do you spend with scripture?

How would you describe your relationship with the Author of Life? How are you inviting God to companion you and write the story of 2022 through you? Will it be filled with color and trust?

Our stories are woven into the Christ story and are life-giving, good news and filled with hope. Let us walk into 2022 with this hope remembering that God is with us in the details, in the big moments, in the changes, in the letting go, in the newness each day offers.

God of Life,
you are the author of all,
as we look ahead to the new year
we entrust it to you.
May we walk boldly
into the story of our life this year
and trust that you are
writing through us the
continuous story of
your Good News
enfleshed, living
and ever present.


Blog Post – Br. Michael, ofm

Photo Credits: Sixteen Miles Out Photography and Isabela Kronemberger

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