
Welcome to Around the Well! We are a group of younger religious (55ish and younger), serving the Catholic Church in Canada. Through various activities such as retreats and other in-person/virtual gatherings, we seek to foster a “community of communities” where younger members of religious communities can come together to give witness to a life lived in Christ.

On our blog, you will find reflections on ministry, charism, spirituality, and stories about what it is like to be a younger religious in Canada today. Our aim is that this blog will be a voice of hope not only to our members, but also to anyone who may be discerning a vocation to religious life.

We chose the name Around the Well for this site, because it reminds us of our common thirst for Jesus, and our desire to be present to each other.

Click here to listen to Michelle Garlinski, SJNM and Sarah Rudolph, IBVM discuss Around the Well on the “Holy Names Sisters: Women on a Mission” podcast.

Thanks for visiting: Hope you enjoy your time “Around the Well!”

2024 Around the Well Retreat 

We had a wonderful time at our 2024 Summer Retreat. 13 of us gathered “Around the Well” with our facilitator, Anne Walsh. It was a restful and insightful time for all!

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