My most favourite scripture quotes is Jeremiah 29:11-14, you all know the one… the plans, the future full of promise and the promise of being found and brought back. I am hanging on to that tightly these days. It is such an unknown time and somewhat scary. We all live in communities with those who are elderly and most at risk. We all have parent(s) who are on their way to being elderly. In my case I also live with a mentally challenged, blind, and diabetic woman in her 50’s. Her day program has been shut down and so I have become the day program. I am also still “teaching” and what a learning curve that is! And, like many of you, have become somewhat of a landing cyber spot for colleagues and parents questioning what does it all mean…
I console myself, too, with either Maslow or Jesus, with outreach to the families most in need in my school community. A group of 8 staff have taken to delivery 30 food packages to our most vulnerable sector. My sisters and I pack 30 bags on Sunday afternoons and then my staff show up Monday and take 4-6 packages. It is a chance to see our students (from a distance) and give families the connections we can’t do over the internet.
Written by: Sr. Connie Harrington, SNJM
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