Another great retreat for younger and new religious comes to a close at Queen of the Apostles Retreat Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. Thank you to Sisters Céline Belliveau, NDSC, Michelle Langlois, FCJ, and Michelle Garlinski, SNJM for organizing things so well, to Fr Chris for the amazing food, and to Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI for leading us through his talks on the theme: “Habits of the Heart.” It was truly a time of renewal for us all as we laughed, prayed, played, ate, talked, and enjoyed some silence and sharing our stores as we live out this beautiful vocation to religious life. If only for 5 days. May God continue to bless new and younger religious everywhere with the vibrancy that continues to grow whenever 2 or 3 (or even 37 of us!) gather together. Even more blog updates to come right up until next year’s retreat. How exciting is that!? Safe trip home everyone!
Your dedicated editor of,
Toby Collins, CR